Thursday, December 01, 2011


remember this post from 2 weeks coming soon is a little slow....sorry about that!

This post is to introduce a new program to Canada, and a local Rep for Alberta.  Send A Smile 4 Kids works directly with the Stollery Children's Hospital, taking donations of cards and gift tags.  Lynette Pinno is from the Camrose area, and she is collecting cards and gift tags for Send a Smile 4 Kids.
Check out the Oct 14th post here.....

I agreed to gather card/tags for Lynette for the 2011 Christmas Season.  When we first spoke Lynette's deadline was the first few days of Dec.(which I have missed), when Lynette will be visiting the hospital.  Because I have missed the deadline I will forward the cards we collect to the Stollery by mail.  If you have any cards you would like to donate, please let myself or Lynette know(I will collect cards until Dec. 10th).  You can also contact Lynette directly through the link listed above.   Thank you in advance for supporting such a GREAT cause at this special time of the year(CHRISTMAS)!

1 comment:

Lynnette Pinno said...

Thank you Donna for this post. It was fun to take the cards and gift tags to the Stollery today. They will use the Christmas cards all month long for the children to write in and the winter ones even longer. Some of the children are quite sick so they need time to write in them.
You can find out more of what is happening in Alberta with this charity if you to my facebook page Lynnette Pinno. I have updated it today with more info.
Everyone who helps is really appreaciated as they do not have anyone else doing this service for us so they are excited to see the different cards that have come in and they are all so beautiful. So if you send in more thank you and then tell me so I can thank you properly.