Sunday, January 01, 2012


Wishing you a GREAT 2012.........filled with all things good from beginning to end(may the difficult times be few).

So how did you spend your New Years Eve?

We ended up going out for dinner, then had a few friends over(same ones we dined with) was a great evening.  We played cards, and I actually had a few wins under my belt at the end of the evening......YA!!!  We even got a midnight text, and best of all a phone call from a little one that stayed up to bring in the New Year........was nice to hear that sweet little voice on the other end of the line...thank you Tyson!

My thinking cap is on for the New Year in my stamping room.....any thoughts?  What would you like to see, stay the same......and what would you like to see changed?  Would love your input......please either e-mail me, or post in the comment section!

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