Sign up for this SAB SAS and you will receive $60 worth of product, and one FREE SAB product! Cost is $60(plus shipping and gst) will complete 12-12 x 12 double page layouts using the Play Date line from pages 175 & 180 of the main catty!
NOTE: for the purpose of class time these layouts are quick & easy! Once the basic format is complete we will add titles, embellishments, photo tiles, and photos. This will be done at a later date, either Buffet Wednesday or an evening work bee! During the finishing stages of this project we will transform the pages from generic to gender themed(boy or girl, masculine or feminine)!
Due to my rushed picture taking & cropping attempts the color in the photos is off, and the layout looks real life they are much better(coloring & alignment)!
What time is the SAS on the 20th? This looks great! Could anyone come? It would be like getting a scrapbook done for the whole year (at least the background pages!)
Yes, anyone can take it, not difficult at all! As long as they can use a trimmer as there will be a fair bit of cutting! As for the time , it could be afternoon or evening(it's on a Sunday)! So for I have one person registered, and I believe either would work for that person!
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